We are partnered with Hobbs Engineering. Founded by the late Gregg K. Hobbs, PhD, the company who invented HALT and HASS methodology. Mr. Aldo Fucinari is now the senior consultant for Hobbs Engineering and his company, Rapid Discovery Systems.
Previous to Dr. Hobbs passing in 2010, Mr. Fucinari worked with Gregg to implement HALT and HASS testing methods in high volume production environments. He also did pioneering HALT work on lead free vs. lead based solders and established a myriad of new HALT and HASS methods and terminology himself, taking it to the next level. Mr. Fucinari is now the leading globally recognized training expert in HALT and HASS and has set up the method at dozens of companies world wide.
This site is intended to become a clearing house of information that separates fact from folklore on all accelerated testing methods. Dedicated to demystifying reliability engineering into easily understood concepts.